Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Uhuru Kenyatta REPLY To Raila Odinga 

1.The constitution does not impose any duty On IEBC to register voters, identify voters or transmit votes cast electronically. It was within IEBC mandate to go manual once Electronic systems failed!

2.Following consultations between the President, the Petitioner and the 1st Respondent, a decision was made to procure the BVR Kits from the Government of Canada in a Government – Government deal. The Cabinet meeting at which the decision was made was chaired by the President and the Petitioner. Its wrong for Odinga to claim fault of BVR's in which he helped procure.

3. The notion that the electronic tallying/voting system should not fail is fundamentally unsound.
***They failed in the recent Ghana elections-2012.
***They failed in the USA elections -2002
*** They failed in Europe leading to legislation to return to Manual system.

4.The agents for all political parties present at the national tallying centre were not ejected from the tallying centre but rather provided with suitable alternative facilities within the tallying centre after the Odinga's supporters started shouting and mis-conducting themselves in a room which they and other agents had been allocated for verification of results.

5.The Orders sought by the Odinga are also mischievous and designed to cause disproportionate harm to constitutional governance

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